We are proud to announce that Oxford International’s teacher training division through OI Digital Institute has been selected by the British Council, the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) and English UK to be part of PRELIM 2 (the Partnered Remote Language Improvement Project).
For the PRELIM 2 project, we have partnered with LAOTESOL, to develop and deliver online teaching and best practice across Laos and the region. Our goal is to continue to develop tools, techniques and knowledge for addressing and overcoming technological barriers to education and improve teaching and learning outcomes for students.
The delivery of our PRELIM 2 project will begin in the new year with the finding of our partnership and investigation to be published in June 2022.
We are excited to partner with LAOTESOL and their network of teachers for PRELIM. This project will help further improve our current and future online programmes while displaying our teaching expertise on a major global platform.
What is the PRELIM Project
PRELIM funds the delivery of tailor-made online teacher training to raise English teachers’ language confidence across 40 countries. The project develops partnerships and communities of language teachers from across the globe to improve access, delivery, best practice and teaching outcomes for the TESOL industry. Each year select organisations are chosen to participate in the project and produce a comprehensive report on their findings. These findings contribute to our collective understanding and help improve outcomes across the TESOL and online teaching industry.
Oxford International’s Previous PRELIM project
Last year, we partnered with the Society of Pakistan English Language Teaching (SPELT) to provide course participants in urban areas of Pakistan lessons to improve their communicative language. Overall, the partnership was successful, with course participants registering increased confidence. The most significant improvement as learners in confidence was expressing ideas on various topics (41 per cent increase). As teachers, there was a substantial improvement in confidence shown in setting up receptive skill activities (54 per cent increase), followed by improvement in giving feedback (38 per cent increase) and giving instructions (31 per cent increase).
Discover more about OI Digital Institute’s Teacher Training division please visit: https://oidigitalinstitute.com/courses/teacher-training/